I-Ching Hexagram 29 – K’an – The Abysmal

Hexagram-29-KanThe trigram above K’AN – The Abysmal, Water
The trigram below K’AN – The Abysmal, Water

General: Only when you learn from danger will you triumph over it.

Love: Do not overreact to a situation. Make sure you do not allow an argument to become violent or depressive. Avoid emotional outbursts.

Business: This is a potentially dangerous time for your business and a calm head will be need to help resolve the issues.

Personal: Use meditation to help find creative solutions to your current problems.

This hexagram consists of a doubling of the trigram K’an. It is one of the eight hexagrams in which doubling occurs. The trigram K’an means a plunging in. A yang line has plunged in between two yin lines and is closed in by the like water in a ravine. The trigram K’an is also the middle son. The Receptive has obtained the middle line of the Creative, and thus K’an develops. As an image it represents water, the water that comes from above and is in motion on earth in streams and rivers, giving rise to all life on earth.

In man’s world K’an represents the heart, the soul locked up within the body, the principle of light inclosed in the dark that is, reason. The name of the hexagram, because the trigram is doubled, has the additional meaning, “repetition of danger.” Thus the hexagram is intended to designate an objective situation to which one must become accustomed, not a subjective attitude. For danger due to a subjective attitude means either foolhardiness or guile. Hence too a ravine is used to symbolise danger; it is a situation in which a man is in the same pass as the water in a ravine, and, like the water, he can escape if he behaves correctly.


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