Specificatii generale despre aspecte biplanetare

Astrologia traditionala imparte aspectele planetare in “bune” si “rele”. Aceste doua notiuni nu exprima limpede gandirea astrologica. De multe ori aspectele bune ne implica in mari incurcaturi, insa cu ajutorul acestor aspecte pozitive, nu suntem nevoiti sa pornim de la… Continue Reading

The Fool

Without the notion of Zero, our system of mathematics becomes meaningless. Similarly, the Fool is an essential part of the Tarot because he is the spark that sets everything else into motion, the divine breath that gives life and inspires… Continue Reading


The title of this card is often misleading because most people tend to think of strength as a property of the physical body. But this is not a card of brute force, because none of the Major Arcana apply directly… Continue Reading

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is a type of energy that stands beyond the realm of our understanding and control. Certainly you can experience its effects in life, like you feel the pull of gravity on your body. But just as… Continue Reading