Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles is the foundation for all kinds of projects in the real world; this foundaton is as valuable as gold, and as solid as concrete. It is the cornerstone of a building that might stand for decades,… Continue Reading
The Ace of Pentacles is the foundation for all kinds of projects in the real world; this foundaton is as valuable as gold, and as solid as concrete. It is the cornerstone of a building that might stand for decades,… Continue Reading
The Three of Pentacles embodies the principle that hard work and service are rewards unto themselves. Everyone seeks a job that they can enjoy and do well at, and this card shows such careers that are both emotionally and financially… Continue Reading
Though his visions may not be earth-shattering, and his methods are certainly not original, the Knight of Pentacles sees that everything he undertakes will meet with nothing but success. He is the least kinetic of the four Knights, probably the… Continue Reading
In the right hands, the sword is a powerful weapon that can serve the needs of justice and authority. But the sword cuts both ways, and when in the posession of those who seek to use it for evil, its… Continue Reading
The second lesson spoken of in the Five of Swords is brought into complete manifestation in the Six of Swords. Sometimes the only way to solve life’s problems is to leave them, go someplace new and start over. Though such… Continue Reading
Stealing from anyone is a risky exercise, but stealing from someone who has both the ability and the motivation to punish you – such as the inhabitants of the military camp on the Seven of Swords – is often downright… Continue Reading
The Eight of Swords shows what happens when you abuse the power of the Swords suit to a large enough degree – it turns against you. In most cases, the Eight of Swords and its precarious position of entrapment is… Continue Reading
It is one of the many paradoxes of human nature that a bed can both make you secure and release your inner fears to haunt you. The night often holds your greatest fears and terrors, including nightmares like the one… Continue Reading
All they that take the sword, it has been said, shall perish with the sword, and the Ten of Swords is a card that show us the real-life implications of this proverb. This is the ultimate manifestation of the Swords… Continue Reading
The Page of Swords has the mental outlook and philosophy of a child, and he is constantly fascinated with matters of the mind. This is not to imply by any means that he is childish and immature; indeed, he is… Continue Reading