Nine of Swords
It is one of the many paradoxes of human nature that a bed can both make you secure and release your inner fears to haunt you. The night often holds your greatest fears and terrors, including nightmares like the one… Continue Reading
It is one of the many paradoxes of human nature that a bed can both make you secure and release your inner fears to haunt you. The night often holds your greatest fears and terrors, including nightmares like the one… Continue Reading
All they that take the sword, it has been said, shall perish with the sword, and the Ten of Swords is a card that show us the real-life implications of this proverb. This is the ultimate manifestation of the Swords… Continue Reading
The Page of Swords has the mental outlook and philosophy of a child, and he is constantly fascinated with matters of the mind. This is not to imply by any means that he is childish and immature; indeed, he is… Continue Reading
When the diplomacy of the Page of Swords fails to achieve results, the Knight will try it his way, the violent way. Violence in this sense does not refer to physical brutality but to a suddenness and apparent hostility that… Continue Reading
The Queen of Swords is another of those mysteriously ambiguous court cards in which the masculine and the feminine are at conflict. She never shows her emotional side, but her judgement can sometimes be swayed by her heart, and because… Continue Reading
The best judge of them all is the King of Swords, because he can take any situation, look at it with total impartiality, and then render a decision that is both fair and insightful. He has powerful emotions, much more… Continue Reading
After the initial power of the Ace enters your life, that power must be shaped and directed towards the area in your life where it will be most useful. This is the energy of the Two of Wands, a card… Continue Reading
It seems appropriate that the Three of Wands has three main interpretations, all of which seem to stand alone but which ultimately relate to each other. The first of these is established strength; success after initial hardship and difficulty. Partnership… Continue Reading
The applied and established strength of the Two and Three leads to the first stage of completion and rest, shown in the Four of Wands. This is a time to look back on all that you have done and be… Continue Reading
The Five of Wands shows two types of conflict – outer and inner. The former arises when the world around you is filled with hassles and minor obstacles that would not slow your progress alone, but, when combined, they become… Continue Reading