Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Malanca Petre, and welcome to the fascinating world of astrology. For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens, God’s handiwork, for answers and guidance in their lives! Older then most major religions, astrology caught my interest early on, as did horoscopes, and I have been studying them since my youth.
I realized I had an uncanny “knack” for this science. Almost to the point of total obsession, I worked and studied at it, hand calculating charts,(computers were not available back then) pouring over old books, learning along with some of the best in the field, I reached a point where I became what can be considered a master.
- born on February 13, 1970, at 12:50 pm EET, in Satu Mare, in a northern region of Romania known as Transylvania
- graduate of the University Law of Bucharest, Romania
- 21 years of experience in astrology
- speaks English
- member of the Romanian Astrologers’ Association (which edits a free monthly astrological magazine in Romanian, Astrele)
- interests: astrology, spirituality, psychology, philately
- favorite fields in astrology: predictive astrology, vocational, karmic, medical, natal charts, compatibility and relationship, financial astrology, horary charts, electional and event charts, spiritual astrology, inner workings of astrology
Contact information:
Buna ziua d-le Petre. M-ar interesa o astrograma facuta de dumneavoastra